Applying and Editing Filters

Filters are a great way to help refine the articles pulling in from your various sources. Filters are topics, keywords, phrases. If an Include filter is found in the article title or description it will be pulled into your Upcoming Articles page. Additionally, we use AI to scan the article and assign topical tags based on the context of the article (you'll see these in green on your Upcoming page). If one of those tags matches your filters, it will also pull in. By default, only one filter is needed to match in order for an article to be pulled in. If you want to require articles to match more than one filter, you can adjust those settings on the source level (Sources page > Edit Source). 


Alternatively, if an Exclude filter matches in one of those three ways above, the article will be kept OUT. You can still find it in your Inactive tab but it will not be eligible for your newsletter. Exclude filters will override any Include filter matches. 

*Please note that filters will NOT be applied retroactively to your Upcoming articles. The filters will go into effect upon adding.


You can add filters of one word or phrase at a time or in a group, separated by commas. Once added, you'll want to select which sources of yours that you want to apply them to. You can click the 3 dots on the filter to edit which gives you the option to Archive (delete), apply to all or remove from all sources.  

Screenshot (33)

We recommend adding filters and especially encourage you to add filters to the more general, high producing sources. It is rare to need filters on your own sources such as your website, Facebook, etc. 

 Example: The AnimalsThatRead Newsletter might use these filters for sources that publish lots of articles, like ZNN or The Zoo York Times.  Include: Animal Kingdom, Mammals, Reptiles, AmphibiansExclude: Extinction, Poachers