Finding an RSS Feed

An RSS feed is a format used to share updated web content, such as news articles or blog posts, from various websites in one convenient place. It enables users to stay updated on their favorite sites without visiting each one individually, as feeds contain headlines, summaries, and links to full articles. If you want to learn more about RSS feeds and how they work, click here


Utilizing RSS Feeds at for Newsletter Content

At, we leverage RSS feeds as valuable sources for content to enhance your newsletter. An RSS feed is a format designed to consolidate updated web content, including news articles or blog posts, from various websites into one convenient location. This functionality allows users to effortlessly stay informed about their favorite sites, eliminating the need to visit each one individually. RSS feeds typically provide headlines, summaries, and links to full articles, facilitating a streamlined process for curating content for your newsletter


Finding RSS Feeds for Content Sources

There are many ways that you can go about searching for a site's, blog or news RSS feed link.

These 3 videos offer a few quick ways you can go about your search:

Example #1

In this video, you will see that on some websites, RSS feeds are readily available via the RSS feed icon. This is usually found with social media icons or near the bottom right corner or top right corner of the page. An RSS feed icon looks like this Feed-icon.svg . Many times, major news sites will have multiple RSS feeds depending on what category the articles fall under i.e. National News, World News, Business News, etc. 

Example #2

In this video, you will see that often you can input /RSS or /feed after the web address to access the RSS feed. 

Example #3

In this video, you will see that you can download an RSS finder extension in various browsers such as Google Chrome. When visiting a website, you can click on the finder icon to pull the RSS feed. Other browsers have similar tools that can be accessed which you can learn about here.