How can I give others access to my dashboard?

In order to give others access to your dashboard, you can add them as a team member to your account. To do this, you will need to go to the Team page under Settings and Invite User. You will see whether their invitation was accepted in the "Status" column of this page.

When adding team members, be mindful that there are options for user types: Regular User and Admin. A Regular User can log in and view all things in the dashboard and an Admin has the ability to interact with the dashboard by editing in addition to viewing everything. 

To revoke someone's access, you can archive them on the Team page by clicking the three dots next to their name. If you need any assistance with this, please send your request to

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*Note - please be mindful that if you are adding someone to your team and inviting them to use the dashboard the invitations do expire within 2 weeks of not activating their account. If this happens, please reach out to or archive them and re-send the invitation. 


If you need to change the primary ownership of the account, you can do so by ensuring that the new primary owner is invited to the team. Once they have accepted the invite, the previous account owner will need to click the three dots on the far right of the new soon-to-be primary account owner and choose 'Change Primary Ownership.' The account owner will have a star next to their first name on the Team page. mceclip1 (6)