How to add a YouTube channel as source

You can add YouTube channels as a source with to pull content for your newsletter. To add the YouTube channel as a source, you may need to know the channel ID.

Often the channel ID is in the URL.

For example, videos. The ID would be UCBcRF18a7Qf58cCRy5xuWwQ

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Sometimes though, the channel ID is not present in the URL. If you need to find the channel ID, take the following steps:

1. Go to the YouTube channel you want to create an RSS feed for.

2. Hit CONTROL+U to view the page source. 

3. Once on the page source, hit CONTROL+F and enter channel_id. This should show you what the channel ID is. 

4. Take the channel ID and use that to add a channel as a source for your newsletter. 

If you need