How to Generate AI Images for Articles in Your Newsletter

Welcome to the guide on generating AI images for articles in your newsletter. Using AI-generated images can enhance the visual appeal of your newsletter and save time on manual image selection. Follow these steps to start creating stunning images effortlessly.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Find the Content:

    • Locate the article for which you want to generate an AI image in your Upcoming Content Pool.
  2. Access the Edit Article Module:

    • Click on the article to open the Edit Article module.
  3. Remove Existing Image:

    • If there is an existing image, remove it.
  4. Generate AI Image:

    • Click "AI Generated" in the Edit Article module to begin the image creation process. The system will generate a custom image based on the article content.
  5. Review and Save:

    • If satisfied with the image, click the save or update button to apply the AI-generated image to your article.
    • If you are not satisfied with the generated image, click the "AI Generated" button again to create a new one. Repeat the process until you are happy with the image.


Image Not Generating:

  • Ensure you have removed any existing metadata image.
  • Check your internet connection and try again.
  • Contact support if the issue persists.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team at