Opens & Clicks Report

This report will show you all of your open, click, delivery, and bounce data for any given date range of your choosing. You also have the option to customize your view by day, week, or month.

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Here is what each column on the report means:

  • Total Opens - The total amount of times your email was opened. If one person opens the email multiple times, each of those opens will be counted.
  • Total Clicks - The total amount of times that someone clicked on a link within your email. If one person clicks on a link multiple times, each of those clicks will be counted.
  • Unique Opens - The unique amount of times your email was opened. If one person opens the email multiple times, we will only count 1 of their opens. 
  • Unique Clicks - The unique amount of times that someone clicked on a link within your email. If one person clicks on a link multiple times, one 1 of those clicks will be counted.
  • Delivered - How many emails were successfully delivered to your subscriber's inbox.
  • Bounces - How many email addresses bounced when we attempted delivery. Export your Contacts list to see the list of emails that have bounced in our system.