Segmentation Report

The Segmentation Report offers valuable insights into your data by breaking it down into segments. The report enables you to segment your audience based on specific criteria. Currently, segmentation options include "Email Domain" and "Mailbox Provider." For instance, distinguishing between email domains like "" and mailbox providers like "" provides valuable insights into audience behavior.

The primary purpose of the Segmentation Report is to offer you insights into audience behavior across different segments. By analyzing clicks, opens, and other metrics based on segmentation criteria, you can identify patterns, preferences, and trends within your audience.

You can customize the date range for which you want to analyze your data using the first two dropdown menus. This flexibility allows for a granular examination of campaign performance over specific time periods.

You have the option to choose which data metrics you wish to view, including clicks, opens, and delivers. Typically, clicks and opens are the most relevant metrics for analysis.

The charts within the Segmentation Report are designed to provide you with visual representations of data breakdowns based on selected criteria. These charts offer insights into how different segments of your audience interact with campaigns.

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You can control the number of segments displayed using the top-right dropdown menu. This feature allows for customizable visualization of data slices based on your preference and analytical requirements.

To access the Segmentation Report, please visit the Analytics page and you will find it amongst the many reports on the left-hand side of the page.