On your Contacts page, you can export via the Actions button to see an in-depth view of your contacts and their interaction with your newsletter. Here are all the columns you should see in your export and what they mean.
ID: internal rasa.io ID
First Name: contacts first name (if available)
Last Name: contacts last name (if available)
Email: contacts email address
Subscribed: 1 means subscribed; 0 means unsubscribed
Unsubscribe Reason:
- Bounce - A permanent failure to deliver the email, based on conditions with the recipient mail server. rasa.io will not email this address again.
- Unsubscribed - Opted out via the link in the newsletter footer.
- API - Unsubscribe was done manually via the dashboard or through a CSV upload or through another integrated platform. Changes have been made to separate API and CSV as unique unsubscribe reasons.
- Dropped - Similar to a bounce, if our email service provider has attempted a send to this email before and repeatedly seen bounces, invalid emails, or spam reports returned, it will "drop" it in order to protect the sender's reputation. rasa.io will continue to send to this address until it hard bounces
- CSV- Unsubscribe was done through a CSV upload
- Blank - It is an old record or contact that was subscribed again later. An old record means the unsubscribe happened before this column was added to the export.
Created: The date the contact was originally created in the dashboard
Updated: The date the contact was last updated. This refers to any change made to the contact.
Referral Code: Every subscriber has a referral code that is assigned to them. If they forward your newsletter and a new subscriber signs up, you will see the referral code in the referred by column. You will only see this if we manage your subscribe page.
Source: How a contact was subscribed to the newsletter
- UI- The contact was uploaded via a CSV file or manually in the dashboard
- Newsbrief- The contact was subscribed via clicking subscribe within the newsletter
- _integration_key- the contact was subscribed via an integration you have set up
- signup-page- the contact subscribed via the personalized sign-up page provided for your newsletter
- articles-page- the contact was subscribed via the top articles page provided for your newsletter
- Blank It is an old record. An old record means the subscription happened before this column was added to the export.
Subscription Change Date: last action date on subscription status. Either subscribed or unsubscribed.
external _id: id that corresponds with your integration i.e. Mailchimp, HubSpot, etc.
last_click: last date/ time contact clicks in the newsletter
last_newbrief: last newsletter contact received
last _open: last date/time contact opened the newsletter
Referred by: Each subscriber has a referral code. If they forward your newsletter and they sign up from there, you can see who it was. You will only see this if we manage your subscribe page.
Unique clicks: the total number of unique clicks associated with a contact since they become a subscriber
Unique opens: the total number of unique clicks associated with a contact since they became a subscriber
Full_name: contacts full name (if available )