Boosting Articles and Boosting Sources
When you click on the Boost lightning bolt icon next to an article on the Upcoming Content page, it signifies that the article will be included in every subscriber's newsletter. While the AI will determine the optimal placement for each subscriber, this ensures the article's inclusion in the newsletter.
Similarly, clicking on the Boost lightning bolt next to a source indicates that any upcoming article(s) published by this source will be incorporated into every subscriber's newsletter. Just like with article boosting, the AI retains responsibility for placement decisions within the newsletter.
Enabling the Boost lightning bolt for a source results in all article(s) from that source present in all of your subscribers' newsletters. We do not recommend boosting a source that generates a substantial volume of content. This approach is more suitable for elevating an internal source that you consistently wish to showcase. For instance, consider your weekly blog that publishes a single new article every week.
In summary, by utilizing the Boost feature with either an article or a source, you are overriding the AI's selection process and guaranteeing that the chosen content is delivered to all of your subscribers' inboxes through your newsletter.

You can Super Boost as well! This ensures that the article will be the headline and at the top of each subscriber's newsletter! To Super Boost an article, just double-click on the lightning bolt and you are good to go.