Alt text

What is Alt text and how can I use it?

What is Alt Text?

Alt text, or "alternative text," is a brief description embedded in an HTML tag for images on a webpage. Its primary function is to describe the image's content for those who cannot see it, including users with visual impairments and those experiencing image-loading issues.

Why is Alt Text Important?

1. Accessibility

Alt text ensures that visually impaired users, who rely on screen readers, can access and understand the content of images.

2. SEO Benefits

Search engines use alt text to understand and index images, improving your website's visibility in image searches.

3. Image Loading Issues

If an image fails to load, the alt text provides context, ensuring the user still understands the image's purpose.

4. Enhanced User Experience

Alt text can also serve as a tooltip in some browsers, providing additional context for all users.

Where can I use alt text within my newsletter?

In your newsletter, the alt text feature can be applied to various image types, including banner images, square images, and article images. By default, the alt text will display generic descriptions based on the image type, such as "banner image" or "square image."

However, we provide the alt text feature which allows you to customize the alt text copy to better describe the content or purpose of each image. This customization allows you to enhance accessibility and provide more relevant information to your readers, ensuring that even if the images don’t load, the intended message is still conveyed. 

How to add alt text to images in

To edit alt text for banners or squares, navigate to Schedule > Content and click on the image you want to modify. You can also adjust the alt text when adding a new image to scheduled content.

To modify the alt text for article images, go to Content > Upcoming and select the specific article you wish to edit.