Guidelines for Subscriber Permission

Proper permission to email your contacts is required by and will greatly contribute to the success of not only your newsletter but any other email marketing campaign. 

Sending to contacts who have not expressly permitted you to email them can result in serious consequences such as SPAM reports, IP blacklists, and violating anti-SPAM laws. Read more about Anti-SPAM requirements and deliverability considerations here.

In addition to having proper permission to send emails to your contacts, we also strongly encourage you to maintain a clean subscriber list. Read our blog post about list hygiene and GDPR compliance here to better inform yourself and learn tips on how to maintain your contacts and why it is so important in the world of emails. is an organization operating within the United States, but depending on where your contacts reside, you might have to abide by additional international email send requirements. If your own organization is based outside of the U.S. or the people you are emailing primarily reside outside of the U.S., you will need to consider those respective international laws in your email campaigns.