Understanding Unsubscribes

What happens when someone unsubscribes?

When a subscriber opts to unsubscribe from a newsletter, it's essential to understand that the process may not take immediate effect. Research suggests that it can take some time, typically around 24 to 48 hours, for the unsubscribe request to be fully processed and reflected in the system. During this period, recipients may still receive emails until the unsubscribe request is completed. Therefore, it's important for both senders and recipients to be patient during this transition period. If unsubscribers continue to receive emails after this timeframe, they should contact the sender to ensure their request is properly addressed.

How Contacts Unsubscribe 

Contacts can easily opt out of receiving emails by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link found in the footer of any email they receive from your newsletter. We also support Google's one-click unsubscribe feature for added convenience (more info here).

How do I see which contacts have unsubscribed?

On the Contacts page, you can see all of the unsubscribed contacts. You can export a file of your unsubscribed contacts at any time. This file will contain the reason, date, and time that the contacts unsubscribed. To better understand the reasons, please visit this page. 

Managing Unsubscribed Contacts

  • Leave them in your account - Unsubscribed contacts are still counted towards your billable contacts but are prevented from receiving any further emails. You can simply leave them as they are without any additional action required.
  • Archive them from your account - If you prefer to remove unsubscribed contacts entirely, you can choose to archive them. This can be done either through Bulk Archive or by manually archiving contacts.

Utilizing Unsubscribed Contacts

Leverage this information to re-engage with unsubscribed contacts and inform your content and communication strategy moving forward. Analyze the reasons behind their unsubscribe requests to tailor your approach and enhance engagement with your audience.